The following is a collection of cultures from throughout the world that are so shocking that they will blow your mind, from living with dead bodies to hurling babies.
Across the globe, there are a great number of strange civilizations.
1. The Dead That Walk
An absurd culture is practiced by the Toraja tribe of Indonesia, which involves placing a body in a temporary coffin before resurrecting ‘it’.
It has been said that shamans have been resurrecting the dead for generations in the villages that are situated in the mountains of South Sulawesi in Indonesia as well.
In order for a deceased person to be able to enter the afterlife that is referred to as “Puya” or “The Land of Souls,” their body must be brought back to the location where they were born in order to be buried there. This is in accordance with the religious beliefs of the Toraja people.
The deceased person’s body is brought back to life and then transported to its new resting place.
2. El Colacho Baby Jumping is available.
Since 1620, people living in Spain have been participating in a tradition known as El Colacho, which is characterized as being both dangerous and strange. Keeping the Devils at bay is the purpose of El Colacho, which literally translates as “baby jumping.” In this occasion, newborns are laid on the beds in the street and the jumpers wear traditional costumes to look like the Devils.
3. Living with Dead
Can you image oneself living among dead bodies? But, it’s quite common practice for some ethnic groups in Indonesia to wrap the corpse up in special garbs and keep it secure in the house they dwell. It is thought that the soul of their loved ones would be kept till burial.
4. Hanging Coffins
You can view the innumerable suspended objects and occult phenomena on the chillingly sheer rocks of Yangtze River, China.
Some communities in China bury their family members and hang them over some cliffs after death. Coffins are commonly hung 33 to 164 feet high and some even as high as 328 feet above the earth. It is still not known for sure how the coffins were put at such considerable heights. Records of hanging coffins extend back approximately 2000 years.
5. Throwing babies
It’s a customary habit for the villagers of Solapur village, Maharashtra, India, to toss newborn babies off from the terrace of 50ft tower. People at the foot of the tower hold sheets to catch the infant securely. This is thought to provide their children good luck and a long and healthy life.
6. Carrying ladies on flaming coals
In Chinese culture, a husband should carry his bride over a pan of burning coals before entering their home for the very first time.
Myth states that this bizarre habit is conducted to assure she would have an uncomplicated and successful labor.
7. Mourning of Muharram
Every year Muslims from throughout the world attend religious mourning rites for the third Shia Imam who gained martyrdom in the desert of Karbala in 680 AD.
On this day, a number of organizations comprised of Shia Muslims go out with whips hooked to knives and blades and start beating them up unstoppably. This custom has been passed over to their successors for decades